Saturday, February 11, 2017


   So I have never been much of a house cleaner.  I just don't like it and NEVER have.  I have been looking for easy ways to clean my whole house top to bottom before I burn out.
   I think the problem is I have A.D.D my attention span is so short I sometimes can't even complete dinner.  Yes even that simple of task I fail at sometimes.  Since I am nursing my daughter there is no medication I can take for the time being.  HOWEVER,  after hundreds of failed attempts to house work completion I have stumbled upon the easiest way for me to complete it all in a timely manner.
   We live in a 2 story 2,700 sq ft house and some days I feel like I am drowning in laundry, dirty dishes and screaming kids. With the way my house is laid out I have learned to start on one end of downstairs and work my way through the lower level and then upstairs. 

1. Laundry Room/Mud Room-  This is the room that everything gets pushed to when it needs to go out for recycle but its too cold to go out now I'll do it later (its IL and I have Texas blood).  I also have Christmas decorations boxed up ready to go to the garage sitting there waiting on my husband to move them (it might happen before 4th of July).  Needless to say its where all the homeless items go when I don't have time to deal with them or just don't want to mess with the crap. 
      * I sort laundry into each family members holding spot
               * We have 5 bags for each family member plus 1 for blankets, 1 for towels and 2 extra ones for overflow. 
2.  Downstairs hallway and bathroom-  There is no science behind cleaning the bathroom.  You just do it.  Clean toilet, bathtub, sink/countertop, mirror, sweep and mop.  My hallway has a sink so its kind of like a utility sink but not in the laundry room.  I think it was an after thought and doesn't fit in place.
3. Kitchen- I start with my dirty dishes because I don't have a dishwasher and it is the dreaded task and I hate doing them.  I do them 1st and then clean up countertops spray them down wipe them and then clean up the stovetop.  I keep a drip tray in the bottom of my oven so that I don't have to clean it.  While wiping down counters I usually put a bowl of equal parts vinegar and water in the microwave for 10 minutes and then take a rag and start wiping it out.  If it doesn't wipe off easily turn then start the microwave again and get it warmer in there so it all wipes out easily.  My kitchen table is cleaned off next, it is a catch all for things the baby puts in her mouth and I take away and mostly papers and junk mail.   Then clean up floor, sweep and mop.
4. Dinning Room- Clean off dinning room table, side tables, bookcase, floor then vacuum. 
5. Living Room- Where do I start....  I always have clean clothes on my couches and coffee table.  I fold them 1st sort in laundry baskets and take it to the stairs.  I then start cleaning up toys trash because my kids are slobs and then dust and straighten up all my tables, shelves and fold blankets, vacuum and turn on my wax warmers. 
6. Computer Room- We have this weird room that has doors shutting it off from downstairs and upstairs both.  It is where everything goes that needs to be taken upstairs when I don't want to climb 15 stairs 1 way to take something up.  It is currently filled with my desktop computer,  90 gallon trash bag of clothes my 4 year old has outgrown and the baby hasn't grown into just yet, trash bags of clothes that need to go to charity and all of my paperwork, bills, office supply items and everything in between.  It is never used for anything at all. 
7. Stairs-  I pick toys up all the way up them
8. Upstairs Bathroom- This bathroom never gets enough attention.  I start with toilet clean it and then pour more bowl cleaner in and let it sit while start cleaning the sink/countertop, mirror, shower and sweep and then go back and clean toilet again before I mop.  I have to clean my toilet twice because we have well water and for whatever reason the upstairs toilet doesn't clean well 1st time around so its double duty. 
9. Master Bedroom- OH MY ...... I don't give this room the attention that it deserves.  My husband is as big of a slob as I am he just tries to hide it so he can convince me that's its all me.  It's scandalous !!!!!  I start with picking up all the clothes laying on the floor and throwing them down the stairs and this includes stripping the beds sheets and pillow cases.  Clean or dirty I don't care the sniff test is not appropriate when its other family members clothes.  Also remember if you only have one set of sheets then this would be the time to go and put them in the washer and get that started so you can get the bed ready later.  I put away any clothes in baskets that are sitting around.  After all the clothes are gone I put all the garbage in the trash bag and get that out of the way.  Then I grab one of my freshly unloaded laundry basket and fill it with things that don't belong in my room.  Usually the unwanted items in my room are my kids toys.  I dust the dressers and night stands and grab clean sheets from the closet or dryer and make the bed and call it DONE!
10. Kids rooms-  I don't clean my kids rooms on a regular basis.  This is because they are slobs and I don't want to waste my energy every week cleaning their disgusting messes.  So I will my son (8) with his room about once a month or sometimes twice.  He is pretty independent and usually keeps his room tidy UNLESS he has a friend over and they help him trash it and then he doesn't have them help him clean up before going back home.  This is his current situation and its been dragging on since New Years Day and I just told him if he doesn't get it cleaned up he is getting booted from the big kids room and moved into his sisters tiny room.  He is upstairs right now cleaning.  We will see if it actually gets finished today.  My middle daughter (4) I always help her clean up her room unless it was a mutual mess her and her brother made and then I have him help her.  We have tried the organizer shelves with the little tubes and we tried putting pictures on them to keep everything separate and it doesn't work for her room.  She likes to dump everything out at once and make big messes and never clean it.  Everything gets broken and I usually go in with a trash bag and clean.
Stuffed animal hammock was the best thing I have ever gotten for one of my kids.  I had went to a consignment sale last Spring and found one on the 50% off day and figured well I paid 75 cents for it if it doesn't work at least it wasn't $20.  IT WORKED and it amazing.  I tried hanging with push pins at first be it fell fairly quickly and we had to put screws in to keep it up on the wall.  If you can find one get it they are worth it the kids have tons of annoying animals. 

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