My kitchen table gets cluttered with papers and mail everyday. Mostly junk mail and papers my son unloads from his backpack after school. I put together this folder system based off a system I had seen in a store and figured I could pull it off cheaper.

I had some extra file folders in my filing cabinet that I just pulled the metal hooks from the back and left them in the front. I used some duct tape that I had left over from my daughter's 1st birthday last month and cut a piece long enough to reach from the fold in the folder to the end of the folder. I put half of it long ways on the front and then folded it over onto the backside making 1 piece seal up the entire side of the folder. I did not take very good pictures so I am hoping my instructions are making sense.

I folded the front of the folder down at the fold mark that was already on there. I placed a piece of tape on the folded down part so that I could write what was supposed to go into the folder.

I left the metal piece in the back because I hadn't decided how I wanted to hang them just yet. I was originally thinking I was going to hook them to each other and descend them down but my engineering skills are lacking this week. So I am thinking I may attach them to each other using ribbon through the holes already provided and a hole punch. As you can see I am not making these for the looks, I was merely looking for something functional, frugal and simple concept for my 8 & 4 year olds. If you have some pretty duct tape feel free to wrap these folders.

After you attach the duct tape on the sides it makes a pocket as you can see in this picture. I wanted something that my 8 year old could put his stack of papers in every night when he gets home and it wont wear quickly.
There are numerous different systems out there that you can purchase premade ready to hang and use. It just wasn't in my budget at this time and this system was much more costly for me.
* I will update you when I decide how I am hanging the folders this weekend.
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